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Is it cheaper to drive a manual or automatic car?

Is it cheaper to drive a manual or automatic car?

Automatic cars can be more expensive than manual, because the parts that make up an automatic gearbox are more complex. However, an automatic car might save you money in the long run through fuel efficiency.

In the past, automatic cars were less fuel efficient than manual versions, but this has changed with improvements in technology. Automatic cars built in the last few years will often have more gears than previous models, which allows them to work at a lower engine speed. In some cases, automatic cars are now actually more fuel efficient than their manual equivalents, especially those cars that are hybrids. This means that you’ll be saving money at the pump every time if you drive an automatic car.

In the end, whether an automatic car is cheaper in the long run will depend on you as a driver. If you regularly drive long distances but buy a new car every few years, an automatic car could be cheaper.

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